Teri Kozlowski
Teri Kozlowski, OTR is a pediatric occupational therapist with over 34 years of experience working with infants, toddlers and children from birth through 5 years of age. Teri has extensive experience with the diagnosis and treatment of a range of developmental challenges and delays that may be due to birth injuries, genetic or chromosomal abnormalities, neuromotor dysfunction, autism spectrum disorders, eating and sleeping disorders, sensory processing and regulatory challenges. Ms. Kozlowski has had specialized training in neurodevelopmental treatment for young children and is SIPT Certified. Teri has completed a mentorship with Lucy Jane Miller at the Star Center in Denver, Colorado (a leading research and treatment center for Sensory Processing Disorders: https://www.spdstar.org)and is trained in:
Zones of Regulation
Therapeutic Yoga
Animal-Assisted Interventions

In addition to evaluations, consultations and weekly treatments (individual and in small peer groups), Ms. Kozlowski offers an intensive therapeutic program of daily occupational therapy for 2-3 weeks in order to help children progress at a faster rate and to teach parents the necessary tools and strategies for implementation at home. Teri also provides consultation to preschool programs which includes staff and parent workshops, in-service training for providers, student observations and/or screenings and developing programs to help staff learn and implement therapeutic strategies and tools.